

From Abandoned at 4 a.m. to Amazing Transformation: A Heartbreaking Dog’s Journey.0lan

The heartbreaking story of an exhausted dog abandoned at 4 a.m. – An amazing transformation At 4am, a call reached us, urging us to help the desperate creature. In a desolate ditch, a sickly dog lay, abused and abandoned. Struggling…


Alone and Ailing: Bald Dog with Large Tumor Hugs Himself, Cries in Solitude.0lan

I received this photo with the location of the dog It’s an anonymous account they didn’t talk much “just go there and you’ll get your answer” they say For the first time in my life I came across this I…


Rescuer Approaches Abandoned Puppy Shivering in the Cold, Crying Out in Concern.0lan

Abandoned pup Shiνering In The Cold Cries out In Worry As Rescuer Approaches. The lady took a moment to say hi, and the dog came around as if to claim “thanks.”. Donna of Stray Rescue of St. Louis was out…


The Power of Friendship: This Dog Insisted on Being Rescued with His Friend.0lan

The power of friendship: This dog refused to be rescued without his friend! She went back to her rescuers with her little companion, Hugo. It seemed like she knew she was going to be rescued and didn’t want to leave…


Exclusive Tour of Bait Dog Rescue’s Efforts Will Bring Tears to Many.0lan

An exclusive tour of Bait Dog Rescue’s work will bring tears to many eyes We often meet bait dogs after they have been rescued or adopted. These are some of my favorite stories to tell and share. However, I think…


Emaciated Puppy Suffering from Giant Tumor Draining His Vitality.0lan

Poor Puppy Is Emaciated, Suffering Gaint Tumor That Draining All His Vitality. One night in Santa Barbara they reported this puppy to us. He has a giant tumor on his back. He was in a state of severe malnutrition, ticks…


Discover the Majestic Sumatran Tigers at Adelaide Zoo!

Among the zoo stars are the graceful Delilah, the gentle Kembali, and their three charming cubs. Meet Kembali and Delilah Kembali, a serene male tiger born on November 16, 2014, at Hamilton Zoo in New Zealand, has been a beloved…


She Used to Cry a Lot After Enduring a Lot of Pain BUT Now She Truly The Pride of Her Family.0lan

She Used to Cry a Lot After Enduring a Lot of Pain BUT Now She Truly The Pride of Her Family Meet Amber. She found in a ditch this morning in Lancaster County SC. The poor brindle baby is all…


This Puppy’s Life Has Suffered too Much By Humans, She Has No More Tears to Cry.0lan

This is Morty, abused, abandoned, as the cruel “person” who’s inflicted this knows there is no punishment! But I hope karma is doing its work on all animal abusers! Morty has his two front paws chopped off and so is…


The Forlorn Puppy Lies Trapped Beneath The Car, Never Imagining Someone Would Come to Save Him.0lan

This little puppy was just thrown on the street by a pensioner. He neglected this boy for many months, an estimated 15 months. After being hit hard on the road by his throwing force, the puppy got scared and hid…