Neglected and Starved for So Long, She Was Reduced to Skin and Bones and Could Barely Stand.0lan
Look at those eyes. She did not deserve this. Her owners said that they had her for a year, and she ran away on Halloween of 2020. She’s been missing ever since. By a stroke of luck, they were reunited…
Hidden Amid Construction Chaos: Finding a Dog with a Huge Neck Tumor.0lan
Last week, Pawtcake got this dog on via their WhatsApp Dragging a long cable by his neck with a massive tumor. He was terrified and kept hiding behind a panel in a desolate building. Empty construction, how could he survive…
Despite Being Burned by a Rocket, She Overcame Misfortune to Become a Queen.0lan
Meet Lolly. She was the victim of a rocket attack in Erbil last night. Her whole body was burned… Sores and pain.. She is now in the onsite clinic receiving IV fluids and a cocktail of pain relief and antibiotics….
With Bound Knees, She Crawled Everywhere Seeking Help to Survive.0lan
I could not remain indifferent to seeing this crying and pain. I felt all the pain that this girl was expressing in my own soul. Someone ran past her, and they picked her up and dropped her off in the…
Adorable Tiger Cubs Get First Health Check-Up at Chester Zoo. 8u
Three-week-old tiger cubs at Chester Zoo recently underwent their initial health assessments. The rare cubs received examinations from zoo veterinarians and keepers, who determined their sexes, administered deworming treatments, implanted microchips for identification, and administered vaccinations for cat flu. According to Tim Rowlands, the Curator of…
The toᴜchiпg momeпt of how I гescᴜed a despeгate, malпoᴜгished pгegпaпt dog who, with teaгs iп heг eyes, leaped iпto my caг, beggiпg foг help. 8u
It was a beaᴜtifᴜl afteгпooп wheп Associazioпe Ohaпa aпd heг family weгe oᴜt foг a dгive iп the coᴜпtгyside. As they weгe dгiviпg dowп a пaггow diгt гoad, they sᴜddeпly пoticed a skiппy, malпoᴜгished dog chasiпg afteг theiг caг, baгkiпg…
Dumped on the Street to Suffer Alone, His Ordeal was a Nightmare.0lan
He was a bait dog left for dead, covered in maggots! I’m trying to find the words, but I can’t. Sadness, anger took over. Just a baby being used as bait, covered in a puncture. Thousands of larvae. Having received…
Abandoned and Left to Ticks, His Breath Slipping Away.0lan
Mateo was abandoned lying breathlessly inside a carton box. He was a pitiful sight to behold He was extremely exhausted, and emaciated. Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked around. Hoping for someone to come to his rescue……
Dog Who Faints When Excited Overcomes Disability with Joy.0lan
A dog that faints when excited does not let his handicap get the better of him Peter the dog has a unique condition that causes him to faint when he gets too excited. His family noticed his unusual condition when…
She Didn’t Deserve This Ending: Driver Rescues Her from a Tied Sack.0lan
Along a road in the middle of a cold night A truck dumped the tied up sack here The driver behind the truck saw the sack move He opened it up and found this dog lying inside And he called…