Hyung is 100% the most heartbroken case we’ve rescued. we don’t know what happened, police found him in a garage. skinny like a skeleton, his back was totally broken. first police moved him to a shelter asking for adoption. but due to his situation, no one wanted to take him.

he was there for nearly a week until my friend called me. it’s very difficult for him to stand up or even eat his food. he was starved & reacted like a baby when we gave food.his mental health also bad – he confused & very scared.. first we have to stabilized him and talk to him. he didn’t use to it, but it will be OK, he will get better.

Hyung also can’t do basic stuffs and we have to help him. luckily he took it well and didn’t fight back, at night, he tries very hard to stand up, it’s indicator that Hyung was not born like he’s now. he got injured later in his life, not sure what happened. maybe someone locked him after a broken back injury.

After a week, Hyung is getting better at his appetize. his position got better – he now can eat many foods. but his hind legs are gone, he might never feel it again. he tries hard, but stand up is a big challenge for him .we try to motivate him with food. spread food around and let him take it… …in his eyes there are full of hope. no mater what happened, little Hyung just want to live. no one wanted you but in here you will be loved Hyung. we’re not sure can fully treat you, but we will try our best. tummy time. you’re doing very well Hyung, exhausted and quickly felt sleep.

Hyung enjoys his time outside. he’s very cute – his face is so lovely. Hyung made friend with Sobin – another our rescue. still can’t stand up but his emotion is much better now. Hyung also gained weight a bit. he now also can move around with a bit of help. Hyung is trying to say hello during our video call, you can see that his back now improved a lot, his hair also got stronger and look beautiful…

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