
The story of Woody, the beautiful dog, seeking a permanent home after a tough upbringing.0lan

According to SNARR Animal Rescue, Woody “had to self-medicate without veterinary attention” after being attacked by another dog when he was five weeks old. SNARR rescued Woody after the dog’s owner tied him up and left him outside. Woody was abandoned and had to rely on the kindness of neighbors for food for six months before SNARR found and saved him.

According to a Facebook post from SNARR, Woody’s family had moved away and left him behind. “We made the decision to get him out of this abusive situation.” Despite appearing deformed, his condition was normal. “We don’t mind that Woody looks different from other dogs; in fact, it makes us love him even more.”

His rescuers love him for reasons beyond his appearance. They quickly realized he has a big heart. Woody’s foster mother was furious when he arrived at her foster home.

Jamie Bond’s foster mother states, “The first day we got Woody, I had a fever and the dog sensed something was wrong and was always by my side,” she says. He spent the whole day with me in bed. He has become my shadow, guaranteeing that I am always safe and secure. Woody adores his bed and rubs his head against my chest.

Woody, now 8 months old, is making up for lost “puppy” time and is a joy to be around. A cleft-nosed dog is seeking a forever home. SNARR should make sure that anyone who wants to adopt a dog is well-prepared to find the best possible home for Woody. “Woody needs love and work, and he is a bit of a hot-tempered dog,” they wrote. He also needs a home without cats because he enjoys chasing them. “We also think he would be better off in a house with only females,” said SNARR.

He is currently being raised with four other heifers and is doing well. Woody gets along well with children, but we believe that older dogs (over 10 years old) are the best choice for him. He is not aggressive towards anyone or anything, but he is a big dog who can be angry and jumpy at times, so larger dogs are best.

Anyone interested in adopting Woody (and meeting the requirements) can fill out an application on the SNARR Northwest website.

Woody’s status has been updated: We have some sad news t

o share about Woody the dog. SNAAR is thrilled to announce that Woody has finally found a loving home after months of searching.

They posted pictures of Woody in his new home, happy with his new family and friends. We wish Woody the best with his new friends and are grateful to his new family.


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