I could not remain indifferent to seeing this crying and pain. I felt all the pain that this girl was expressing in my own soul. Someone ran past her, and they picked her up and dropped her off in the woods. Unable to stay there waiting to die, he crawled into these wooden huts. She hoped there was someone there who needed her and gave her hope.

Everything was fragile, but his efforts paid off. The kind people bandaged her on both legs and took her to the vet. They took her to the vet. I called her Juju Juju was sedated and had some tests done. She was taking intravenous painkillers at the time. You did n’t have to have much experience looking at X-rays of Juju’s spine.

Can you imagine the pain when her spine was misaligned like that? It really hurt. We were being evaluated by an orthopedist for spinal surgery as soon as possible. Juju had been given many prayers and I believed that he would receive them all. Juju’s spinal correction surgery took place on Monday night. Unfortunately, her prognosis was very poor during surgery.

Orthopedic control had changed. Juju was not merely a shallow or deep pain, but it had no reflexes on its hind legs. Juju’s spinal cord also had an injured and broken part. Unfortunately, the chance of walking again in good shape and with the spinal cord severed was slim to none. Everything indicated that Juju would be another of our paralyzed dogs.

What could we do for her? He received rehabilitation through physical therapy and acupuncture. We did everything possible to make his recovery as painless as possible. Soon she could be discharged and be with us at the shelter. Of course, the goal of having a family was still the best way for her to recover. At this time, Juju felt much better, although his body was still tired.

She was amazing and constantly improved. Juju quickly adjusted to life in his new place. It was not difficult for him to get along with other dogs. Playing together would improve Juju’s condition a lot. Our girl Juju had her first movements after spinal surgery. Many of us had been moved by you, hadn’t we? Juju was 3 years old, spayed, vaccinated and a sweet dog.

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