
To save her puppies, the mother dog fearlessly runs into the flames, risking her life and losing all her puppies in the process.0lan


Margaret Hungerford says that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This is the perfect quote for this story. This poor dog named Bonnie was found in Romania. She was lying wounded next to a railway track. Vets supposed she was hit by a train, but they also mentioned that these terrible injuries could have been caused by an even more terrible person.

Bonnie lacks an eye and a front paw. Vets did not believe she could survive and were ready to give up. However, after they transferred her to the United Kingdom, Bonnie was noticed by an amazing woman named Kate. Kate fell in love with her immediately and, after taking care of Bonnie, decided to give her a forever home.

Bonnie was born in a large factory in Romania, surrounded by other street dogs. A woman who worked there had seen a dog, its mother, and its pups before Bonnie was arrested and had taken pictures to share on social media in an effort to find them a home. Bonnie traveled on a coal train, smaller than normal trains. The employees witnessed her behavior and heard her cries. Three days later, when the kind woman returned to work, she discovered that Bonnie was pregnant. The woman and her daughter Claudia took the dog, the mother, and the siblings to safety. She was taken to the vets. Claudia expressed, “She smelled like death. We had to open the windows in the doctor’s bedroom. She has no nose, half a leg, and tail. A bunch of procedures to ‘fix’ her.”

“Bonnie was bullied by her siblings because she was different and weaker. The kind lady and her daughter who found her loved Bonnie, but they couldn’t keep her. They took her to the rescue (Beacon Animal Rescue). I discovered her, and the owner of the rescue, Rebecca, showed me, ‘we just found this poor baby.’ I fell in love, knew no one would want her because of how she looked, and people would think she would need specialist and ongoing medical treatment which would put them off.”

Facebook Title Rewrite:

A Labrador that was mistreated and ignored because of its appearance now receives the affection and admiration it deserves in abundance.


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