An exclusive tour of Bait Dog Rescue’s work will bring tears to many eyes

We often meet bait dogs after they have been rescued or adopted. These are some of my favorite stories to tell and share. However, I think this video is very important because it shows how these dogs are discovered.

Sharing this video can help shed light on the horrific existence these dogs lead before they are rescued, as well as why it is essential to advocate for stricter penalties for dogfighting around the world.

Tom McPhee, executive director of the World Animal Awareness Society (WA2S) and producer/director of the American Strays series, accompanies Michigan Humane Society officers who discover fresh dogs being used to “bait” fighting dogs. Follow their cameras and discover the horrific conditions in which these dogs are forced to suffer.

Baited dogs often suffer from broken bones, untreated wounds, bound lips, maggots and malnutrition.

“We respond to dogfights all year long,” says Jenny Jackson, one of the Michigan Humane Society’s leaders.

“The street fighters are young people, you know,” she adds. “They take pit bulls, tie them up in abandoned yards and fight them in parks. These are young kids fighting dogs – any dog they can find. They are unlikely to receive adequate medical care, food, water and shelter. Most of the time, they are simply forgotten.

Fortunately for these two pit bulls, the Michigan Humane Society and WA2S were on hand to help. However, there are thousands of other dogs in need of rescue.

Watch the full story in the video below. We promise the story has a happy ending!



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