Meet Nadia. She was rescued from a Chinese meat truck in Shanghai, China. When she was rescued at the age of 5 months, she was on the verge of death. She was deliberately starved, she endured severe contempt and never knew kindness from people. She was skin and bones and covered in scabs. We are at the vet for examination and treatment.

She is so strong. So grateful. Can’t wait for her to be big and healthy. We think Hope looks a lot better and is no longer tripping. Day 6: Hope is much stronger. See the little run in the video? She will survive this. Hope is stronger and stronger every day. Still, the road is long, but the road is paved.

Day 30: Our first walk with Nadia. When she gets stronger, she will have surgery on those eyes and sterilize her. Super playful. Live she loved treats…once she knew what they were. Day 65: Hope. She wouldn’t stand still for me. Just running everywhere. Day 85: Hope, our skin-and-bones bulldog savior, is now proving to everyone how strong she is. Nadia is traveling to the USA to her new forever home. The moment Hope first met her mom.

Her final leg of the trip involved a cross-country ride with a pleasant driver, Mr. Marco. I’m finally home! I have traveled over 10,000 miles to be with my family forever! I never lost hope and I am forever indebted to my angels for saving me! Thank you! I currently live on 12 mile island. It’s a little different than Harbin, China. I really like all that sunshine!

Today was the best day! I went on my first boat ride! There were dolphins, big birds and my dad caught a big fish. Sleeping Beauty! Today’s adventures included playing in the park and going on a mini-hike.

I love exploring new things! I feel it today! I did back to back Zoomies! My first time at a pet friendly resort! I’m having the best time and meeting new friends while showing off my amazing athletic skills! Hope is now living the best life she deserves.

She is one of the happiest girls in the world. Thank you all for your continued support!

Watch video bellow: