
Disabled Pregnant Dog Looks at Each Passing Car, Despairing of the Truth.0lan

This dog was abandoned on a deserted street He couldn’t move And the doctor said his spine was broken He could only wait for his owner But the spinal surgery didn’t take place Over time it has healed in the wrong place “the injury it has been in less than 1 month” said the doctor But the nightmare did not stop there The doctor also found a tumor in her breast We were afraid of cancer and did a biopsy Every day we face more and more difficulties.

He refuses to crawl even for a moment. If I put it somewhere, it would stay there all day. He still didn’t understand why this was so. The doctor said that I should send her home for a few days. He still didn’t understand why this was so.

I was so nervous when the dogs noticed I saw a sadness as deep as the ocean in her eyes She seemed to still miss her owner What did the owner do to her spine? What did the owner do to his column? Did you know it was abandoned? A woman’s instinct told me her anomaly. I thought she was pregnant.

2 days later, we went back to the vet for an ultrasound. Everything went as I thought. All the doctors were surprised by his case . impossible It really is a godsend for her On the 20th day, she gave birth to a puppy We have never met a dog that gave birth to only one It took us from surprise to surprise.

The puppy looks completely different from its mother So I she understood why she refused to crawl However, after giving birth, she was much weaker She couldn’t urinate on her own Also, she needed to stop taking antibiotics As a result, the treatment would take longer Fortunately, she still had milk to breastfeed Despite Of her many problems, she was a skilled mother

She cared for her puppy meticulously and carefully We also fed the puppy formula And it was the first happy day when she saw her mother Not long after, we were able to go home She has been smiling so all the time I arranged a room for her and the puppy Since the day she had the puppy.

she has been reborn She devoted all her time to her child She was always cheerful and in a very good mood Under love, the puppy grows up full of happiness Many people are they have offered to adopt him But I refused, he is the life of the mother dog, Veta He is the reason she overcomes everything I would never separate mother and son We call this pup Timosha. Every day we saw its growth.

They all had a special affection for him. Good news, mom dog Veta was cancer free. You will spend more time with your pup. What a beautiful ending for Veta and her child. Thank you very much for your support .

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Source: YouTube 


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