
With Eyes Full of Fear, She Clutches Her Puppy to Keep It Safe—A Heartbreaking Story.0h

A sad life of a dark haired girl. This poor little girl was brought to Praca by dogcatchers just before giving birth, , and sadly she gave birth in Praca. Only she knows how sad her life was, her eyes say it all…. Just imagine her fear when they used a dogcatcher and dragged her on the street…

But despite all of that stress and fear she brought to the world 9 beautiful angels, but because of fear, suffering, pain, hunger and dirt she started losing them one by one. They were dying in front of her and she didn’t know how to save them. Out of 9 babies just one was left… one brown snowflake a few days old.

It is just too sad, and it’s unbearable for her. She was saved with one of her babies and I hope she won’t lose her also. I promised her that no one will ever hurt her again, and I am asking all of you to show her that she isn’t alone. She is very afraid right now, but I’m hoping that with a lot of love that fear will leave and never come back.

Please let’s all get together so this sad mother wouldn’t lose this baby as well.. Day 20: Hello from Lady and her baby Freya! Both are doing great and mom is not scared anymore like she was! Day 70: Good night from Lady and her puppy Freya! I went to visit them last night and they are adorable. They are very cute and I love them a lot.. Thanks to my Marie they both are safe in pension but they need a home!

Day 90: Hello from our sweet Lady and her daughter Freya! Thank you Marie for sponsoring them! Day 150: Lady went to the vet today.. She had a mild cough so I took her to the vet immediately before it got worse… She is on antibiotics and she will get better soon. Both of them, the mum LADY and daughter FREYA found their happiness in Germany.

I thought that Lady (mom) would never find a home cause she was so afraid.. And one day a huge surprise, my Heike Fetzer found a home for the daughter in Germany, and she decided to take the mom in foster care also in Germany and help her regain some trust in people. And then something happened that made me cry, even now…

With the love of my Heike Lady changed just after 2 days… That is what happens when an animal feels true love and patience… She walks on a leash now, she runs around and plays… There is no more trauma at all.. They also deserve a chance!

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