They Abandoned This Dog After he got sick they left him alone at the Building site with 2 legs Paralyzed

Four years old and already doomed is that sad elderly german shepherd. destined to never be able to walk. She was laying on the cement of an abandoned building, covered in blood and urine. That felt like a nightmare.

She had been a guard dog at the building site, but she was no longer required. They requested The GoGo shelter volunteers to take her up since they could not afford to pay for her operation.

Volunteers brought Martha to the vet; her name is Martha. Regrettably, the medical professional has concluded that Martha has little chance of walking and will need to use a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

She was gradually making a full recovery and would stay at the animal hospital for at least another two weeks.

Martha is delighted that she can finally walk thanks to her wheelchair. She is feeling a lot better and the doctors’ continued attention is causing her wounds to heal.

Following three weeks, they brought her to the Zoocentre clinic for a full examination and a physiotherapy visit; afterwards, Martha would be relocated there. For at least 20 days, rehabilitation will cost between bgn 50 and 60 each day.

The most significant of all is that Martha is now living a happy life after being adopted by a couple.